47th Ward SChools
You can find a list of schools that serve our ward below. Find which school(s) serve your area.
Local School Councils
Local school councils are elected bodies including parent, teacher, support staff, student, and community member representatives. They typically meet monthly to review principal performance, provide feedback on school budgets, and select a new principal as needed.
Click here to access the dates for all our schools’ Local School Council (LSC) meetings in 2024. Find your LSC representatives.
Chicago School Board
Alderman Martin visits Waters Elementary as students use ranked choice voting to name their mascot.
The Chicago Board of Education is the governing body that oversees Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Historically, its members have been appointed by the Mayor, though Chicago is in the process of phasing in an elected school board. The Board hosts public meetings typically monthly.
The following members represent districts overlapping with the 47th Ward:
Ellen Rosenfeld, elected member, District 4
Ebony DeBerry, elected member, District 2
Karen Zaccor, appointed member, District 4
Debby Pope, appointed member, District 2
47th Ward Chicago Public Schools
*designates schools that serve the ward, but are located outside ward boundaries. *
Amundsen High School*
Audubon Elementary School*
Bell Elementary School
Blaine Elementary School*
Burley Elementary School*
Coonley Elementary School
Hamilton Elementary School
Jahn Elementary School*
Lake View High School
Lane Tech High School
McPherson Elementary School
McCutcheon Elementary School*
DeVry University Advantage Academy High School
Ravenswood Elementary School
Schurz High School*
Senn High School*
Von Linne Elementary School*
Waters Elementary School
47th Ward Private Schools (InExhaustive)
Chicago Montessori
Concordia Place Preschool
Henry’s House Preschool
Lycee Francais de Chicago
North Park Elementary
Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran School
Queen of Angels School
St. Andrew School
St. Benedict Preparatory
German International School Chicago
De Paul College Prep