Pedestrian Safety

Speed Humps

Speed humps are a traffic calming tool that works to reduce speeds and create safer conditions for pedestrians.

To request speed humps for your street, our office asks that residents pass a petition around their block to ensure that all residents can voice their support for or opposition to the speed humps. Residents must have at least 65% of residential units sign in support of the speed humps for our office to consider the request. One (1) signature per residential unit is counted.

For street speed humps, neighbors of the affected block, as defined by their address, must be petitioned. For alley speed humps, neighbors from all adjacent affected streets must be petitioned. Below are examples of what this would look like:

Street Speed Humps

Signatures are required from all residences with the street’s address. For example, a speed hump petition for Oakley below would include all 4100 N Oakley addresses, but not those with Berteau or Belle Plaine addresses. This excludes corner residences.

Alley Speed Humps

Signatures are required for all adjacent affected streets. For example, a speed hump for the alley below would include residents of Bell, Cullom, Montrose, and Oakley.

In areas with a higher number of apartment buildings, residents might have a harder time reaching the required number of signatures. We ask that neighbors get as many signatures as they are able to, to demonstrate broad interest on the block, before reaching out to our office for assistance. We are happy to then put together an official flyer for residents to distribute amongst their block to reach any remaining neighbors.

Once petitioners receive the necessary amount of signatures, our office will review internally and come to a decision. Once speed humps have been approved by our office, we will notify residents. From then, we will work with the Chicago Department of Transportation to coordinate their installation.

Petitions are available below as well as in-person in our office. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our office. Residents can reach out and submit petitions to