What Construction is Happening?

Private Construction Projects

If there are no parking signs on your block and you are wondering what type of work may be happening, you can search for permits associated with the address. The permit will include a phone number that you can use to ask questions.

Be wary of treating the dates on the permit as the exact dates of work. Oftentimes, this time range is longer than the actual work to give flexibility in case of inclement weather. The best way to get an exact range of dates for work is by calling the phone number listed on the permit. If your question isn’t answered here, please check our help desk article on construction.

Public Construction Projects

Below is a list of ongoing public construction and infrastructure projects in the 47th Ward, as well as a map locating those projects. If you have any questions regarding any of these projects, or if you want to receive email updates on a specific project, email josh@aldermanmartin.com or call (773) 868-4747.

Ongoing Public Infrastructure Projects

Lincoln Square Plaza and Parking Lot Pedestrian Improvements

Building off the Lincoln Square Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce’s 2019 Master Plan, Alderman Martin has worked with the community and CDOT to make large-scale improvements to the heart of Lincoln Square, aimed at improving the pedestrian and cyclist experience in the area around the Western Brown Line station, as well as ensure that that area is better suited to welcome the many festivals that take place there each here.

The planned improvements are visible in this CDOT presentation. They will target the “Farmers Market” parking lot and the plaza adjacent to the El station. Those spaces, as well as Leland Ave itself will be raised to provide one continuous pedestrian space that is easily convertible for events. The space under the El tracks from Lincoln to the station will be improved with better paving and lighting. A bidirectional protected bike lane will allow cyclists to travel east and west along Leland.

Our office hosted a virtual community meeting on 12/17/24 with the construction team to present on the upcoming construction process, which will last until the summer. You can review a recording of that meeting here.

Update (3/20/25):

Work continues for the renovation project involving the Western Brown Line Plaza and adjacent areas. Crews are currently focusing on removing and replacing sidewalks along Lincoln and Leland, and have started demolition work in the Plaza.

Crews are making sure to maintain pedestrian access, which currently runs along the east side of Lincoln and the north side of Leland, with protected access from Western & Leland to the station entrance.

On April 1st, crews will close the Farmers Market parking lot in order to begin renovating it. This parking lot will be closed until the end of July. Conveniently, the public parking in the Canvas at Leland building is open and accessible! LAZ, who also operate that parking, have been asked to distribute flyers to local businesses (you can access the flyer here and below). Customers can find a link to pay for the parking here.

CDOT is working on relocating the Divvy station that was on the Plaza to Eastwood west of Western for the duration of the project. The station is currently in storage, and will be moved to its new location very soon.


See below for:

  • The traffic reroute currently in place, with Leland between Western and Lincoln a one-way eastbound and Lincoln between Leland and Eastwood a one-way southbound.

  • The CTA notice of relocation of the northbound #49 and #X49 bus stop at the Western Brown Line station will be temporarily relocated to the southeast corner of Western/Eastwood (see announcement below). The Divvy station will be relocated to Eastwood west of Western.

The impact on traffic to Western Ave in the mornings, while temporary and inevitable as part of this project, has highlighted the difficult that westbound traffic has in moving through the Western & Wilson intersection. As such, Alderman Martin is pleased to have allocated the necessary funds to install a new left-turn arrow from Wilson onto Western.

Western Ave Arterial Resurfacing

Alderman Martin worked with Ald. Vasquez to secure the funding for CDOT to resurface Western Ave from Foster to Waveland.

The work will involve grinding down the existing asphalt, raising manholes and other utility services to meet the street level, and repaving the streets with new asphalt. This will include replacing the asphalt on the street and replacing ADA ramps as well as damaged sidewalks.

Pedestrian safety improvements will include curb extensions and refuge islands. CDOT will also be making improvements to transit facilities, including bus bulbs and bus-only lanes. Transit and pedestrian improvements on Western will extend as far south as George St.

On 8/14 our office, along with CDOT and the 40th Ward, hosted a virtual meeting to discuss the work and address any concerns that residents or businesses may have. You can view a recording of this meeting here.

Update (3/20/25):

Concrete work on Western continues – and will soon be complete! Crews have installed concrete bus pads and are currently completing new and improved pedestrian refuge islands and medians. Throughout the week of 3/24, they will build three raised crosswalks across Eastwood (east side of Western), Warner (west side), and Cornelia (east side). During that work, which will last no more than one week, access to Western from those impacted blocks will be closed off. Drivers will have to use adjacent blocks (Wilson, Cuyler, and Roscoe, respectively).

Crews hope to finish all of the concrete work on Western before the end of April. They will then install red stamped crosswalks throughout the month of May – and they will finally be done with the work!

Alderman Martin worked with Ald. Vasquez to secure the funding for CDOT to resurface Damen Ave from Wilson Ave north to Farragut.

The work will involve grinding down the existing asphalt, raising manholes and other utility services to meet the street level, and repaving the streets with new asphalt. This will include replacing the asphalt on the street and replacing ADA ramps as well as damaged sidewalks.

On Damen, CDOT will also be making pedestrian safety improvements in the form of curb extensions and raised intersections at Leland and at Winnemac. They will also include improvements to bicycle facilities.

On 8/14 our office, along with CDOT and the 40th Ward, hosted a virtual meeting to discuss the work and address any concerns that residents or businesses may have. You can view a recording of this meeting here.

Update (1/9/25):

CDOT crews have completed the repaving of Damen Ave, as well as all road markings.

Outstanding concrete work, including raised intersections (including Damen & Leland), and raised crosswalks will take place in the spring.

Damen Ave Resurfacing (north)

Giddings Plaza is a staple of the community and has been well-loved for decades. However, the condition of the plaza has worsened over the years, with missing pavers and tripping hazards that make the plaza difficult to navigate for our seniors, young children, and disabled residents. 

Starting on August 12th, CDOT will begin work to remove and replace the pavers on the plaza to eliminate these tripping hazards. The work will replace all the pavers, remove the broken water fountain (behind a bench near Jerry’s) to be replaced with a planter, and remove one of the trees in the plaza due to its health and impact on the pavers. 

After consulting with nearby businesses, our office coordinated with CDOT and the project contractor to create a plan that would have the least impact on the surrounding businesses, residents, and users of the plaza. The updated plan divides the plaza into 5 sections for the work to be completed in a phased manner.

Crews will work on one section of the plaza at a time – working from Lincoln back toward the alley – leaving the rest of the plaza open for pedestrian traffic. This phased approach will allow the plaza to still be partially accessible for pedestrians and residents, and will have the least amount of impact on the adjacent businesses and sidewalk cafés. During each phase, a 6-foot-fence will be put up along the perimeter of the relevant section to guarantee neighbors' safety. Equipment and materials will be brought from behind the plaza, but the alley will remain accessible throughout.

Update (11/21/24):

Work was completed on Giddings Plaza, before Apple Fest.

The contractor still needs to complete punch list items over the past couple of weeks. This involves the replacement of certain pavers that were improperly installed, including to address pooling water.

Giddings Plaza Paver Replacement

Western Ave Lighting Replacement

The Department of Transportation will replace street lights along Western Ave between Irving Park and Berteau, and between Montrose and Sunnyside – stretches that were identified as experiencing frequent light outages.

The work will include the installation of foundations, boring of underground conduits, cable pulling, the installation of new residential lighting poles with piggyback lights, LED Smart Lighting luminaires, and the restoration of concrete sidewalks and parkways disturbed by the construction. The existing light poles will be removed once the new lighting system is functioning properly.

Update (1/9/25):

All lights have been installed lights between Montrose and Sunnyside and between Irving Park and Berteau. Concrete restoration is complete. Crews restoring damaged parkways the week in late December.

Greenview/Cornelia Gas Main Replacement

Between October 2023 and September 2024, Peoples Gas is working to replace 3 miles of gas lines under the sidewalks along Cornelia (Ashland to Lakewood) and Greenview (Roscoe to Grace) in anticipation of a sewer replacement project planned for the area in 2025.

You can watch a recording of our 11/15/23 virtual community meeting with the 44th Ward and Peoples Gas by clicking here.


As of June 2024, construction crews are working on restoring sidewalks throughout the project boundaries. They expect to have the vast majority of sidewalks completed by late September.

The project itself will be completed toward the end of 2024, once all building connections have been completed and the old gas main can be taken offline.

The City has started work on two new green alleys in the alley bounded by Irving Park, Ashland, Belle Plaine, and Paulina and the alley bounded by Cullom, Hoyne, Pensacola, and Damen to address years of flooding issues. Green (or permeable) alleys are fully reconstructed to incorporate permeable pavers and catch basins to permanently reduce the amount of standing water.

Construction, which started in early October, is expected to last 5 weeks, weather permitting. During that time, there will be no access to the alleys. Residential garbage pickup will be curbside.

12/12/24 Update:

Work is complete on both alleys, which have reopened to traffic. The Irving Park alley still needs to have speed humps installed. Outstanding “punchlist” items on the Pensacola alley, including spot repairs, are set to be addressed during the week of 12/16.

Green Alleys - Irving/ Ashland/ Paulina/ Belle Plaine


Cullom/ Hoyne/ Pensacola/ Damen

Alderman Martin helped the CTA secure $20M to proceed with a large-scale renovation of the Western Brown Line station, which will take place in 2024 and 2025.

The Alderman and the CTA have co-hosted two community meetings to help shape the work; you can read reporting about the first meeting here. You can also view a recording of the second meeting, hosted on 5/29/24, at this link.

Western Brown Line Station Improvements

Ainslie St Collector Resurfacing

Ainslie St. between Western Ave and Damen Ave was included in the city's Collector Resurfacing program. This programs aims to renovate so-called "collector" streets – smaller streets like Ainslie that nevertheless receive more traffic than regular residential streets because they collect vehicle traffic traveling between residential streets and adjacent arterials like Western and Damen.

As part of this year's Collector project, CDOT will be fully replacing the curbs and alley aprons along the entirety of Ainslie from Western to Damen. They will then grind down the existing asphalt to repave the street.

Update (11/14/24):

Ainslie was successfully repaved in early November

As part of its Collector Resurfacing program, CDOT is repaving Cornelia Ave between Paulina St and Western Ave.

Update (12/10/24):

In the fall of 2024, CDOT successfully replaced all the curbs along Cornelia. However, there was not enough time to complete the resurfacing before winter, so CDOT filled in all open holes along the curbs for the winter. They will repave Cornelia in the spring of 2025.

Cornelia Ave Collector Resurfacing

The Department of Transportation is building the Leland Neighborhood Greenway from Rockwell Ave to Clark St. This low-stress bikeway slow traffic for the benefit of cyclists and pedestrians and will allow cyclists to safely bike from the lake to the river. Improvements will include:

  • bike-friendly speed humps;

  • detached curb extensions (bump-outs), landscaped west of Western;

  • a contraflow bike lane on one-way stretches to allow cyclists to travel in both directions;

  • raised crosswalks;

  • a protected bike lane and traffic diverter between Lincoln and Western.

You can find out more about the project here.

Update (1/9/25):

Contractors have finished building the project’s bump-outs and striped the bike markings, including contraflow lanes. They will be installing speed humps in the spring, when they will also plant bump-outs that were filled with soil.

Leland Neighborhood Greenway

Upcoming Infrastructure Projects

Ravenswood Ave Collector Resurfacing

As part of its Collector Resurfacing program, CDOT plans to repave Ravenswood Ave north of Wilson Ave. This work is planned for 2024 and will include:

  • replacing the asphalt on the street;

  • creating a contraflow bike lane to allow cyclists to travel southbound toward the Ravenswood Metra Station and future Leland Neighborhood Greenway;

  • improving pedestrian safety through new curb extensions and raised crosswalks;

  • expanding the existing “Winnslie” community garden south from Ainslie to Lawrence.

Update (August 2024):

This project has been delayed to be constructed in 2025.

The Department of Water Management intends to replace the water mains under Greenview Ave from Berteau to Cullom and under Hutchinson Ave from Greenview to Clark. This project is tentatively scheduled for 2024 but no clearer timeline has been set.

Greenview - Hutchinson Water Main Replacement

The Department of Water Management intends to replace the water main under Paulina St from Ainslie St to Winnemac Ave. This project is tentatively scheduled for 2024 but no clearer timeline has been set.

5000 N. Paulina Water Main Replacement