Safety Updates
Quick Links
If you or someone else’s safety is immediately at risk, please call 9-1-1.
Reaching the Community Policing Office
The Chicago Police Department (CPD) has the most up-to-date, accurate information about ongoing investigations, and encourages neighbors to reach out directly to the CAPS office for that information. Most of the 47th Ward is located in the 19th Police District (312-744-8320), but the parts north of Lawrence Ave are located in the 20th Police District (312-742-8714). Our office communicates regularly with our local police districts and is happy to provide the updates we receive, as well as discuss public safety policy more broadly.
Get Involved
If you are interested in getting involved to help make our community and city safer, you may be interested in learning more about local organizations that do violence prevention work on the northside like Alliance of Local Service Organizations (ALSO) or ONE Northside. Lincoln Square Moms Demand Action is another locally-led advocacy group that is focused on common-sense gun regulation. In addition, consider attending a CAPS meeting for your beat; attending a Police District Council meeting; or participating in the Court Advocate Program.