
If you’re reaching out about a request regarding a tree in the public way, you can put in a request with Streets and Sanitation’s Bureau of Forestry. Please note that our office cannot address issues regarding trees on private property. If you’re concerned about an issue with a tree on your neighbor’s property, we recommend reaching out to them directly. Click on the type of request that most matches your request:

Tree Trim

Tree trims are one of the most common types of request that our office receives. Tree trim season is generally from June to November. Beginning in 2023, Forestry will trim all overgrown trees on a block at the same time. As you may know, Forestry previously trimmed trees on a case-by-case basis, and typically responded to trim requests in chronological order. As a result, many residents expressed frustration that Forestry would visit to trim one tree on their block, only to return months later to address a different complaint on the same block.

This new process was recommended by the Inspector General’s office to create efficiencies and speed up tree trimming. As Forestry transitions to this system, however, it will take time to perfect the system. Please note, 311 will no longer accept new tree trim requests. All previous requests will be closed. Moving forward, Forestry will operate in every ward on a weekly basis, barring any emergency incidents. If there is a downed tree, split tree or limb, or detatched limb dangling from a tree, you can contact 3-1-1 or our office to report a tree emergency. 

This new initiative combined with the City Council doubling tree trimming crews is meant to address tree trim delays holistically. While this initiative may still cause some uncertainty in the timeline within which particular trim requests will be addressed, it will ultimately benefit the tree canopy citywide.


  1. 311 no longer accepts individual tree trim requests. Outstanding requests will be included in the new area trim program.

  2. If there is a downed tree, split tree or limb, or detached limb dangling from a tree, call 3-1-1 or email to report a tree emergency. .

Additional resources


Tree Removal

The Bureau of Forestry will remove unhealthy or dead trees. If you’re concerned about dead branches (rather than a dead tree) please place a tree trim request instead. In general, tree removal season is from December to May. Please know it is highly unusual for healthy trees to be removed outside of planned construction or a capital project. If you see a tree being removed by city workers and are concerned they may be cutting down a healthy tree, you can contact our office at We know that trees play an important role in our urban environment, and tree removal can impact quality of life. While it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether a tree is unhealthy just by looking at it, Forestry does test trees to make this determination.

In the last decade, Chicago has lost thousands of trees to an invasive species - the emerald ash borer. Previously the city worked to inoculate these trees. In the last few years, funding has ended for this program. It took a tremendous lift on behalf of Forestry to inoculate these trees - which involved inspecting and retreating these trees every three years. We are continuing to have conversations with the Bureau to determine whether treating these trees or planting new trees in their place is the best use of the City’s limited capacity.


  1. Go to CHI311 and submit a request for a tree removal.

If you need help submitting your request through 311’s online portal, view our help article on submitting service requests.

Additional resources


Tree Planting

The City of Chicago set an ambitious goal of planting tens of thousands of new trees, but has fallen behind on this goal in part because due to ash bore infestation. Our office is committed to increasing our urban tree canopy, and welcome requests from neighbors who would like the City to plant new trees on the public way. Because of a long list of requests and limited staff resources, these requests may take approximately 2-3 years to complete. When your request is ready to be fulfilled, the City will email you to confirm you still want the tree to be planted. In order for the request to be completed, you must respond to the email.

We understand this can be a long time to wait for a new tree planting. Alternatively, the City does have an application process for neighbors who would like to plant their own trees on public property. OpenLands has a grant program that allows community members to come together to plant 10-40 trees where they are most needed in their neighborhoods. Please do not plant a tree on public property without following the City’s permitting process. The process exists, in part, to ensure that we are planting native, non-invasive species and avoiding planting trees over critical infrastructure like sewers that can be damaged by tree roots.


  1. Go to CHI311 and submit a request for a tree planting.

If you need help submitting your request through 311’s online portal, view our help article on submitting service requests.

Additional resources


Tree Debris

You can request that Streets and Sanitation pick-up piles of branches or bushes by your curb or in your alley. Please do not leave tree debris blocking the sidewalk or alley, but place debris neatly near the curb. These requests may take around a week to complete.


  1. Go to CHI311 and submit a request for tree debris cleanup.

If you need help submitting your request through 311’s online portal, view our help article on submitting service requests.


Tree Emergency

If a large tree branch (larger than a desk) or tree is blocking the street or sidewalk, please call our office as soon as possible at 773-868-4747. It’s also helpful to send photos to If the tree emergency occurs outside of our regular business hours, we recommend calling 911.

After large storms, it may take some time for Streets and Sanitation to remove the tree from the public way as they work through a list of issues all across the City. In the meantime, the police and our city departments will be sure to mark the area.


  1. Call the ward office at 773-868-4747 and provide the exact address for the emergency.

  2. Send pictures to



Have a suggestion about how to improve forestry services?

We always welcome suggestions on how to improve city services, so we can pass the feedback along to the Department and the Mayor’s office. Please send feedback and suggestions to It’s important to know that our city budget plays a significant role in determining the quality and timeliness of service that departments can provide. You can sign up for updates about the budget process and our town halls here.

The 47th Ward Green Council meets monthly and discusses ways to improve services and benefit our tree canopy. You can sign up to get involved here.